As busy as we may become, we can't forget to chase our dreams.  Me personally, I find myself getting random inspiration during drives or on walks.  However you receive inspiration, feed into it and chase them until you reach new levels.
At the most random times, I find myself reflecting on where I've come from.  As I look to the sky, I am reminded of something my grandmother once told me: "it's not a matter of what you wanna do, it's what you have to do".  As she looks down on me each day, I am reminded of this as I always remember to not let the minor tasks discourage me, as they're preparing me for the major things I want to do. 
At times, we find ourselves getting into a routine without much changing.  While this is good to have, we must remember to step away at times to recharge ourselves.  The world is far bigger than our current locations, and sometimes we need to get away and see all that the world has to offer.  Take in these moments by yourself, and allow yourself the chance to remember why you're doing what you're doing and chase after it.
The beauty of the world can be found in the simplest of places.  Even without a large amount of money, we are able to explore the numerous places that the world has to offer.

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